
■■■■■ 論文【査読あり】 ■■■■■

Yada, T. & Savolainen, H. (2023). Principal self-efficacy and school climate as antecedents of collective teacher efficacy. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 34(2), 209–225.

Pakarinen, E., Imai-Matsumura, K., Yada, A., Yada, T., Leppänen, A., & Lerkkanen, M.-K. (2023). Child-Centered and Teacher-Directed Practices in Two Different Countries: A Descriptive Case Study of Finnish and Japanese Grade 1 Classroom, Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 38(1), 30–49.

Yada, T. (2023). Prosociality in shared leadership contexts from the viewpoint of Finnish principals. In R. Ahtiainen, E. Hanhimäki, J. Leinonen, M. Risku, & A.-S. Smeds-Nylund (Eds.), Leadership in educational contexts in Finland: Theoretical and empirical perspectives. Springer.

Sato, H. & Yada, T. (2023). A systematic narrative review of school leadership studies in Japan from 1978 to 2018. Bulletin of Institute of Education University of Tsukuba, 48(1), 1-21.

Yada, T., Yada, A., Choshi, D., Sakata, T., Wakimoto, T., & Nakada, M. (2022). Examining the relationships between teacher self-efficacy, professional learning community, and experiential learning in Japan. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, advance published online.

Yada, T. & Jäppinen, A-K. (2022). Principal’s perceptions about collective competences in exercising shared leadership. Teaching and Teacher Education: Leadership and Professional Development, 1, 100012.

Heikka, J., Hirvonen, R., Kahila, S., Pitkäniemi, H., Yada, T., & Hujala, E. (2022). Links between teachers’ planning, assessment and development time and implementation of curriculum in early childhood education. Early Years, advance published online.

Yada, T. (2020). Exploring prosociality and collective competence in exercising shared educational leadership in Finland and Japan (Doctoral dissertation, the University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland). Retrieved from

Pappa. S., Yada, T., and Perälä-Littunen, S. (2020). International Master’s degree students’ well-being at a Finnish university during COVID-19. Open Education Studies, 2, 240-251.

Yada, T., Räikkonen, E., Imai-Matsumura, K., Shimada, H., Koike, R., and Jäppinen, A-K. (2020). Prosociality as a mediator between teacher collaboration and turnover intention. International Journal of Educational Management, 34(3), 535-548.,
Self archive.

Yada, T., & Jäppinen, A-K. (2019). A Systematic Narrative Review of Prosociality in Educational Leadership. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, 47(6), 980-1000. DOI: 10.1177/1741143218768579 (Impact Factor: 1.804 in 2018),
Self archive.

■■■■■ 論文【紀要論文等】 ■■■■■

Yada, T., Fenyvesi, K., Mäki-Kuutti, M., Tuba,O., Papadopoulou, I., Gligori, D., Mitropoulos, V., Carboni, E., Ciarpaglini, V., Halász, D., & Suhajda, V. (2023). A whole-school intervention framework for enhancing social and emotional skills in secondary schools through arts-integrated practices: Research report from the REIMAGINED project, Finnish Institute for Educational Research Reports and Working Papers. Jyväskylän Yliopisto.

柏木賀津子, 宍戸隆之, & 矢田匠. (2022). 教員 21 世紀型スキルに資するグローバル教員研修に関する実践的研究 ―Edu21st 尺度による自己効力感の変容に着目してー.学校改善学会紀要. 4巻, pp.62-82.

柏木賀津子, 宍戸隆之, & 矢田匠. (2021). 教員21世紀型スキルの自己効力感尺度の検討―学校教育でグローバル・コンピテンスを培うためにー.人間環境学研究.19巻 2号, pp.91-98.

中村恵, 小柳和喜雄, 矢田匠, 矢田明恵, & 古川惠美. (2020). 共主体が育まれる学習環境の検討~フィンランドにおける対話による示唆~. 畿央大学紀要. 17巻 2号, pp.11-20.

矢田匠 & 矢田明恵. (2020). 利用者から見るフィンランドの教育福祉:ネウボラとパイヴァコティに着目して. チャイルドヘルス, 23(4), 50-52.

是永かな子, 矢田明恵, & 矢田匠. (2017). フィンランドの段階的支援としてのプロコウルプロジェクト の展開と実践.高知大学教育学部研究報告,77,215-224.

榎本祐子, 矢田明恵, & 矢田匠. (2017). 保育士・幼稚園教諭に求められる保育及び子育て支援現場におけるソーシャルワーク機能についての一考察: フィンランドのネウボラの視察から.滋賀大学教育学部紀要,66,1-12.

榎本祐子, 矢田匠, & 矢田明恵. (2016). フィンランドのネウボラの視察から見えたわが国の利用者支援 事業の課題: ケースの視察及び利用者インタビューから. 滋賀大学環境総合研究センター研究年報,13(1),49-56.

■■■■■ 国際/国内学会における発表【査読あり】 ■■■■■

Mäkelä, T. & Yada, T. (2023, November). Opettajien näkemyksiä oppimisympäristöistä eri oppiasteilla. Paper presentation at the annual conference of Finnish Educational Research Association FERA 2023, Vaasa, FIN, 23-24 November, 2023.

Yada, T., Yada, A., Choshi, D., Sakata, T., Wakimoto, T., & Nakada, M. (2023). Any experience?: Linking teacher efficacy, professional learning community and experiential learning. Paper presentation presented at EARLI 2023, Thessaloniki, GRE, 22-26 August, 2023.

矢田匠, (2023), 多分野横断型学習を促進する教育リーダーシップの在り方, J-CLIL primary and secondary seminar, 2023年1月21日, オンライン (招待あり)

    Fenyvesi. K, Kankaanranta. M, Mäkelä. T, & Yada. T., (2022). FreeEd: A Framework for Efficient and Engaging Hybrid Education in Lower-Secondary Schools, ITK conference 2022, Hämeenlinna, FIN, 6-7 October, 2022.

    矢田匠, (2022)「今日のフィンランド教員の現在地:トレンドと課題」フィンランドにおける教職人気の構造的特質と学校現場の実際, 教師教育学会 国際部会セミナー, 2022年8月30日, オンライン (招待あり)

    矢田匠, (2022)「フィンランドをベースとした 教育リーダーシップ研究の立場から」共通論題「ウイズコロナ、ポストコロナの教育経営研究の在り方を考える―最近の研究活動の経験からニューノーマルの展望へ―」, 大塚教育経営研究会,  2022年3月27日, 筑波大学 (招待あり)

    矢田匠, (2022)「フィンランド学校教員のキャリア」特別セッションI「教員のセカンドキャリア開発論: 日本・米国・英国・ フィンランドの比較分析」, 学校改善学会2022関西大会, 2022年1月23日, 滋賀大学 (招待あり)

    矢田匠, (2021)「フィンランドにおける学問の自由と研究体制」共通論題「北欧諸国の高等教育における学問の自由と研究体制」, 2021年11月6日, 名古屋工業大学 (招待あり)

    Pappa, S., & Yada, T. (2021, September). International Master’s degree students’ well-being at a Finnish university during COVID-19. Paper presentation at the annual conference of European Educational Research Association ECER 2021, Geneva, SWS, 6-10 September, 2021.

    Yada, T., & Savolainen, H. (2020, December). Examining collective teacher efficacy in relation to principal efficacy and school climate. Paper presentation at the annual conference of Finnish Educational Research Association FERA 2020, Helsinki, FIN, 15-16 December, 2020.

    Yada, T., & Jäppinen, A-K. (2020, March). Leadership competence in education: Attribute model or relational model?. Paper presentation at the annual conference of Nordic Educational Research Association NERA 2020, Turku, FIN, 4-6 March, 2020.

    Yada, T., Risku, M. (2019, September). The Professional Learning and Development of Leaders: International Perspectives on Learning to Lead. Symposium at the annual conference of European Educational Research Association ECER 2019, Hamburg, GER, 3-6 September, 2019.

    Yada, T. (2019, August). Collective competence in educational leadership contexts. Paper presentation at the World Educational Research Association focal meeting WERA 2019, Tokyo, JPN, 5-8 August, 2019.

    Yada, T. (2019, July). Collaborative endeavour and prosociality in educational leadership, Paper presentation at European Educational Research Association Summer School EERSS 2019, Brno, CZK, 8-12 July, 2019.

    Yada, T., Imai-Matsumura, K., Shimada, H., Koike, R., & Jäppinen, A. (2019, March). The Dimensions of Collaborative Leadership in schools. Paper presentation presented at the biannual conference of Nordic Educational Research Association NERA 2019, Uppsala, SWE, 6-8 March, 2019.

    Yada, T. (2018, November). Social contagion of autonomous motivation among Teachers: As a process of leadership in schools. Poster presentation presented at the annual conference of Finnish Educational Research Association FERA 2018, Tampere, FIN, 15-16 November, 2018.

    Yada, T., Räikkönen, E., Imai-Matsumura, K., Shimada, H., & Koike, R. (2018, September). Teachers’ Prosocial Impact and Prosocial Motivation: Mediation Roles between Collaboration and Turnover Intention. Paper presentation presented at the annual conference of European Educational Research Association ECER 2018, Bolzano, ITA, 5-7 September, 2018.

    Goto, I., Yada, T. (2018, September). Does Mentoring Make Novice Teachers Self-Directed?: Functions of Mentoring as Support for Novice Teachers in Elementary School. Paper presentation presented at the annual conference of European Educational Research Association ECER 2018, Bolzano, ITA, 5-7 September, 2018.

    Yada, T., & Jäppinen, A-K. (2017, August). Being Prosocial in Educational Leadership: A Systematic Narrative Review on Other-oriented Elements. Presentation presented at the annual conference of European Educational Research Association ECER 2017, Copenhagen, DK, 22-25 August, 2017.

    Toyama, Y., Yajima, J., Yada, T., Oh, Paul J., & Bolsø, K. (2017, July). Trait Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Contagion, and Quality of Life: Incremental and Predictive Validity using the Emotional Intelligence Scale. Presentation in 6th International Congress on Emotional Intelligence, Porto, Portugal, 19-22 July, 2017.

    ■■■■■ 一般公演・シンポジウム等 ■■■■■

    矢田 匠, “フィンランドにおける教師の成長と教育リーダーシップ”, グローバル社会を生きる知性とは: 言語とアイデンティティの視点から―フィンランドの言語教育に学ぶ日本の英語教育, 日本・フィンランド外交関係樹立100周年記念事業国際シンポジウム, 早稲田大学, 2019/01,招待スピーカー

    矢田 匠, “働きながら子育てを楽しむ生活”, 幸せの国世界第一位 フィンランドから学ぶ<働き方改革>, 日本・フィンランド外交関係樹立100周年記念事業国際シンポジウム, サイボウズ株式会社, 2019/01,シンポジスト
